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  1. 1983 Mitsubishi Starion Still trying to work through various electrical gremlins and can't seem to get spark. Air, fuel, and compression is all good. Just replaced the ignition coil and still nothing. Fusible links for Ignition Switch and ECI are good. Pickup coil has good resistance. Hoping it's just the distributor cap and rotor, but I need confirmation. How can I test the ESC Igniter (ignition control module) before I buy a new one? Is there anything else it could be?
  2. Anybody know of a good replacement or refurbishment for old rear hatch struts that don't do their job anymore? Also popping the rear hatch is a two man job now that involves one person holding up the lever while the other lifts the hatch. If you know a fix for that too I'd be indebted to you.
  3. Hey there, currently trying to get my '83 Starion back on the road; just had a time cleaning out the injectors and now I'd like to replace the fuel filters. From what I understand, there are three: engine bay, tank, and pump. Anybody have some insight on the part numbers for these? All that comes up on Autozone, Advance, O'Reilly's, Napa is the in-line high pressure filter for the engine bay. Thanks! Tommy
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