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Everything posted by MasterVivi

  1. Hahaha, that's awesome. I'm not using stock fans though, I'm using SPAL fans.
  2. Radiator clogged? Not anymore! Believe it or not, I actually got this to fit. I quickly realized I didn't want that though, and upgraded to some nice SPAL fans. As for the gauge wiring, I built this plug and play system that I'll do a write-up of soon, it's simple, and now I can just plug any gauges with a male end into the female ends in my dash. Slowly changing engine bay.
  3. So I had a few issues during that trip. My gauge wiring was all messed up, my radiator was clogged, my car was overheating, and my brakes weren't up to par. So.... Brakes not working well? Wonder why??? Brake pads? What brake pads?? And this happened... My bleed valve on my caliper snapped off. To this day I haven't replaced the caliper, but I will be soon. The damn slide pin has been stripped, I was going to replace it, but I'm going to replace the whole caliper now I guess.
  4. So here are some legit photos from Chris' camera. Don't mind Rob being rob.. She got dirty on that ride. Don't mind me, just driving with no plates on. Pre-mountain inspection. I hadn't slept, I had work before this trip. The mountains, though.
  5. A few SQC members got together with me and we went to GMR for some mountain shredding. Rob (MPGorBOOST) and Chris (StallionProject86) That's me in back, and Rob in front checking to make sure everything is solid in our cars. Chris took his FRS, since the Starion wasn't running properly. That's Chris on the left. Rob's gray conquest, Chris' FRS, and my starion. and then this happened. DSM MADNESS. Sittin pretty up there on that mountain... Rob certainly had as much fun as I did.
  6. I met up with another SQC member, my old bud, and we took some photos. (I can't show a few because I haven't blurred the license plate yet, but here's one) Here's another one of the engine bay. Some a*************** came by and destroyed the front end of the red conquest with a garbage bin, for no reason one morning. Makes me sad to see it... But look who decided to show up! (Chassispuke!!) God, his fiji conquest is so gorgeous. Hey, don't get jealous, you're beautiful too...
  7. Of course by this time I knew I had to get rid of the red conquest, and I had bought a bunch of go-fast parts for it to be track ready, so I installed some on the black car instead. Beefy st sway bars, yes please. The pictures don't do it justice, they were WAY meatier than stock. The engine bay wasn't bad, but I had to make it cleaner. More progress on that in the future.
  8. On the way home from driving back from Tucson, I ran into a gnarly sandstorm. My entire engine bay was covered in sand, and this was after I cleaned a lot of it. I gave her a nice wash, and she came out looking pretty good. Poor old red in the background needed to be parted out because my landlord wouldn't let me keep it there to rebuild it. That's me sitting in my lover's embrace.
  9. For sale! Brand new lightened flywheel, never installed. Only 15 lbs, perfect weight. Not too light, and 22 lbs lighter than stock. Bought it for $340 plus shipping back in the day, selling for $240 plus shipping. I bought it for my red conquest, but I had to part the conquest out, so I no longer need this.
  10. It will be located at Mitsubishi Headquarters in Cypress, CA. The exact date hasn't been released yet, but it's usually in July. I'm guessing it will be on July 11th, but that cannot be confirmed.
  11. Also, if you guys need to buy any parts, I know chassispuke is interested in bringing any parts you might wish to buy. We can all do some business while we're there, since it will eliminate shipping costs/gas to travel, so if you need any parts we can also post them on this thread.
  12. Alright guys, I put you all down. Nobody usually gets there early enough, I'm always one of the first people in. Is anyone interested in leaving at night? I leave at around 12-1am from San Diego, right when I get off of work, depending on what day it is being held on. They usually don't guarantee/save the starions a spot, so we always have to kind of make our own spot (in the spotlight spots, of course) I expect this MOD to be the busiest yet, because it's the 10th anniversary, so I'll be leaving AS EARLY AS I CAN. This means I might even be leaving the night before. I don't know if anyone else is as dedicated, but I make a real effort to get us the best spots possible. That being said, if anyone is coming from San Diego, Lakeside, Oceanside, wherever, I'd like to all cruise together. If anyone is interested in arriving as early as possible, let me know. We can bring coolers with drinks, and just chill and share stories. Last year I led a caravan of about 200 evos, another starion, a talon, and a converted Mirage, but I might just skip doing that this year to get spots for us.
  13. Alright guys, it's time to start planning for this again this year. This year is MOD 10th anniversary, so it should be big. I want as many starions as possible this year. Last year we had 17, and the year before we only 7. I'd like to see as much improvement in numbers as 2013-2014 this year, so I'm hoping for 27 starions this year! The meet will be on JULY 11TH THIS YEAR. Who is interested this year?? Interest list 1. MasterVivi 2. chassispuke 3. tankbob 4. pcristquester (can't go due to work) 5. CarlosFley 6. noob87tsi 7. schaffman 8. jet 9. Convette (maybe) 10.MPGorBOOST (is going, but can't bring car) 11.GINASQ (not bringing starion) 12.louswheel 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. More details to come regarding meetup and all that after I get off work!
  14. Alright guys, it's time to start planning for this again this year. This year is MOD 10th anniversary, so it should be big. I want as many starions as possible this year. Last year we had 17, and the year before we only 7. I'd like to see as much improvement in numbers as 2013-2014 this year, so I'm hoping for 27 starions this year! Who is interested this year?? John (convette) said he might not make it this year. :'( I hope he does.
  15. If only I was allowed to have tinted windows in San Diego, then it would be AWESOME! You can barely put only the lightest of tints on here without getting a ticket.
  16. Interested, can't wait to see what comes of this.
  17. Thanks, man! This is a picture of it on my way home. (I only put the drinks on it for a second, no damage.) We didn't use cards when we did the plastidip, so it got on the tires too. (Which eventually led to the plastidip peeling off in places, which is why I'll be polishing them soon.
  18. One of the most important things before going, and some of you will hate me for this, but I had to get some plastidip on the rims. (Don't worry, I'll polish them up soon, that will be coming.) First coat or two and it was getting dark fast!! A shot of Sam's two starquests when it was getting dark.. This is when we were doing the radiator fans. The radiator was definitely pretty clogged.
  19. So the first thing we addressed was the non-working tachometer. Easy fix, the wires were hooked up on the opposite sides of the ignition coil. We rearranged some vacuum lines, because they were NOWHERE NEAR in the right spots. They actually had a service manual on hand, but I referred to the photos I had on my phone from doing it on my red conquest, because I had color coding. Next we got under the car and electric wizarded the radiator fans together, so they'd both be going on at the same time! (not me, them!) (In case the car decided to get hot on the trip home) I drove around the block a few times, to make sure everything was good. I almost got lost on my way back, haha, because that area is a freaking maze!! (Oh, and a cop was on the side of the road creeping when I boosted by him) I think I was having electrical issues with the lights, but I think we managed to fix it for the time being.
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