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  1. Anyone have any exhaust for sale? 2.5 preferably... want to do the full exhaust inc the downpipe...
  2. How would these do? https://www.ebay.com/itm/235781139543?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_QpIBigwRhi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hzRtRLS0Qh2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Hmm ... ok so if i pieced it together from mookeh or even ebay those numbers would get me the appearance of the stance in the pics? Also i would only need the sleeve part if i didnt care to adjust it .. if i chose a set of springs that put me right at my desired height wouldnt need it... prob be good though to fine tune everything I imagine if the spring is 7" tall and the adding the sleeve it would be 7.25 to 7.5 over all so running the spring alone would only be quarter to half inch less And then i wouldnt need to mod the perches🤔
  4. Looks good! How much lower would you say it went? And could it go more then in the pics or was that at max low? Anyone know what these are https://www.starquestclassicparts.com/product/coil-over-conversions i saw a video of a guy using the mookeeh coilover sleeves ... showed a price of $170... id love to find a set of them... looks like mookeh sells it piece by piece ...the threaded piece and then you choose what springs i just dont how to choose the springs... The ones in the link look kinda like the ones in the vid i saw(mookehs) I was planning buying these want to see if anyone can ID them and let me know hkw low i can get with them
  5. Looks good! How much lower would you say it went? And could it go more then in the pics or was that at max low? Anyone know what these are https://www.starquestclassicparts.com/product/coil-over-conversions i saw a video of a guy using the mookeeh coilover sleeves ... showed a price of $170... id love to find a set of them... looks like mookeh sells it piece by piece ...the threaded piece and then you choose what springs i just dont how to choose the springs... The ones in the link look kinda like the ones in the vid i saw(mookehs) I was planning buying these want to see if anyone can ID them and let me know hkw low i can get with them
  6. these look pretty good anyone had/have em? it says bolt on... that mean they dont have to be welded right? pretty pricy too 😒 https://ksportusa.com/product/mitsubishi-starion-kontrol-pro-coilovers-cmt300-kp/
  7. Also what springs(rates) did you choose? Where can i get a set? Have a part number?
  8. Man that looks beautiful under there! That is kind what i was wondering how it fits together...so you have to cut the perch? Is it the same up front? Love to see pic of the car ..how it sits
  9. Yea D2s are what id really want... just out of reach for now... prob for a while too lol If the GCs are just a sleeve over type deal souldnt somthing on ebay be the same idea for a fraction of the cost.. just have to be the right spring rate? So it wouldnt ride horrible... im fine with a little bounce...
  10. Eibach like this one? https://www.ebay.com/itm/286013733932?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BwOSzQHTTh2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hzRtRLS0Qh2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY How do i know what spring rate/ weight? And how do i buy a full set? Would i need 2 different numbers for fronts and rears? (650frnt /750rear) Numbers just examples
  11. I was looking at the sleeves GC coilovers... curious how they fit... do they sit correctly on the stock perch? Would love to see pics of them on stock struts up front especially... Yea i read the info on the mookeh set up and it said the shock and struts would be another inch shorter... what is prob right in range ...1.25 springs and another inch with the dampners... 2.25... would love that!! Believe the full set is sold out... If i bought the front inserts for stock strut and then used kybs with the empty rear shock casing from mookeh would i still get that extra inch? Love to see pics of the mookeh spring and shock set up on a car too 🤔
  12. I am looking for a set of springs cant really get into the coilover thing with all the welding .... what are the lowest springs i can get was gona buy mookehs and cut a coil ....once i put my new rubber on ill need to kill atleast a 2" wheel gap maybe more. Or can i do a spring sleeve set up? Please help with info and let me know what ya have for sale.. Thanks
  13. I am lookin to show the wheel more dont want it so burried in rubber...i am considering 195 50 16 up front and 205 50 16 in the rear. I have regular x7 and x8 wheels not SHPs.. Anyone ever run this size set up Curious
  14. what is the best upgrade? to just get an 88 ICM or is there aftermarket option? Im sure there are many aftermarket options🙃
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