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Mustang Short Shifter?


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Hey everyone i just wanted to know if anyone has fitted a aftermarket shifter from a different car into their quest or starion? I read some people did it with different mustang shifters will this work? I had a 4.6 stang and had a b&m shifter and actually replaced it with a generic adjustable one off ebay (30 bucks) and i liked it better than the b&m so i was curious if the mustang shifter did fit i was going to get another adjustable shifter and give it a go....



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You can read my post on this subject and see what I did, If you want to give it a go, I will sell you mine. B&M Ripper $50 and I will throw in the bolts to mount it.



hey man thanks for the offer but if im gonna do it im going to buy that ebay one... because not only is it short throw but its a shorter mounting shifter as well...


but i read your article and im gonna end up doing it so thanks for the help here....

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